Saturday, 4 February 2012

Two and a Half Months Later

It's been 2.5 months since the braces went on.  There's been a fair amount of movement in my top teeth which I'm very happy about, but, obviously, there's still more to go.  My first check up with my OD was Dec 20 and it was pretty uneventful.  They changed the wires and sent me on my way.  Luckily, there was very little pain after that appointment :)  They said that by the time I came back for my next checkup my bottom teeth would have moved enough that there would be space to apply the last bracket to my bottom tooth.  That checkup was scheduled for Jan 24.  I always update my calendar in my phone of the date and time of my next appointment because I have a horrible memory and will never remember things on my own.  I did just that for this next appointment, but for some reason I put the time as 4 pm.  Well, I showed up at 4pm on Jan 24 to my ODs office and wouldn't you know, I had the wrong time!  I was supposed to have been there at 10:30 that morning instead.  Because they are applying the last bracket this particular appointment is about 40 minutes long, so now I have to wait until Mar 1 before I can go back :(  They have me on a waiting list in case there are any cancelations and I can get in sooner, but I'm not holding my breath for that.  See if I ever make that mistake again!  From now on their appointment slips are also going on my fridge, so at least I'll have a visual reminder of the exact date and times of appointments! 

Aside from the braces I've made some other changes in my life recently that I thought I'd share.  The first is my hair colour.  I've been a blonde all my life (aside from going brown once when I was 17, it was with a box at home and looked horrible!  It lasted about 2 months), and decided that it was time for a change and have gone brown.  Well, more of a dark carmel brown.  I've gotten really great compliments from just about everyone who knows me, I'm told I've got more colour in my face with the brown (compared to the blonde which apparently washed me out, thanks for telling me that before!) so I'm planning on keeping it like this for a while.  I really like the change :)
The second is I've started taking yoga classes as well, I'm also working with a friend to complete the 6 weeks to: 100 push ups, 200 sit ups and 200 squats challenges.  This is the most exercise I think I've ever done in my entire life and so far I'm really liking it!  I started yoga with my mom and for the first month a half I've been going to the gentle yoga classes with her twice a week.  They're not too strenuous but you get a really good stretch out of it.  I've just recently (in the last week) decided that I'm going to the more intense classes because I know I can push myself harder.  I've been to one of these classes so far and I finally worked up a sweat! 
The challenges I'm doing are something a friend from work and I decided to start.  You do it three times a week based on your initial test of how many of each exercise you can do.  I started pretty much at the lowest level for each exercise (again, no physical activity before this, so my body's in pretty bad shape!) but apparently in 6 weeks time I'll be able to do 100, 200 and 200 of each!  I'm at week 2, I should be at week 3 but I'm redoing week 2.  Last week didn't go so well (I wasn't feeling well for the 2nd day workout and then the 3rd day workout didn't happen either), but I have been able to keep up with amounts they say I should be doing.  The push ups are by far the hardest of everything I'm doing right now.  I've never been able to even do a push up, and truth be told I'm doing the easier girl version, but I've definitely seen an improvement in my form and how many I can complete compared to when I first started!  Any improvement is good improvement for me :)  I'm really enjoying the increase in physical activity in myself, I feel better overall and I hope that by the time surgery comes around the positive changes that I've made to my health will help make recovery better. 

That's all for now, and hopefully I'll be in soon to see my OD again!